General Consulting


From idea fragment to complete implementation, Horatius Management is with you every step of the way. Want to accomplish something but don’t know how? Need an extra hand in a current project?

See what Horatius Management can provide


Strategy Development & Strategic Planning


“Lead, Develop, Achieve” is not just a motto - it is systematic approach to identifying a common purpose, problem solving, and making adjustments along the way to reach a desired result. Whether you have a strategy already in place that needs a kickstart or you are looking to create goals on the road to your destination, Horatius Management will travel with you.

A personal story from the military


Process Management & Process Efficiency


In the military, we say “no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy”. We can have the best laid and most resourced plan in the world, but if we are unable to adapt or remain flexible, we will meet resistance. All plans, and all processes, need constant refinement.

Are you operating at-scale?


Organizational Development


The culture of what you are building is the foundation to its success or failure. Its identity must be unique, captivating, but also inviting to those a part of the organization or potential clients. How do you develop a culture from nothing?

What is your purpose?

Find out how a Louisiana nonprofit got its start…and grew


Management Consulting


It is important as a leader that we, from time to time, assess our efforts adapt to an ever-changing culture and environment. Utilizing experience from military organizations, the private sector, and nonprofit sector,

Horatius Management can help realign your management priorities, educate and train your team, and empower your organization to achieve more than ever before through techniques learned and honed through tried-and-true military leadership methods.


Creative Design


Bring your brand to the next level with a complete host of web, brand, logo, and style design. Horatius Management will work to understand your organization at a fundamental level to provide you with a more professional, clean, and modern look.


The story of Horatius is quite famous, one of many epics that rose out of Greek and Roman culture. In 1842, Sir Thomas Babington Macaulay wrote The Lays of Ancient Rome, recounting how young Roman Republic Lieutenant Publius Horatius held a Roman bridge against an invading army, saving many lives in the process.

Born out of Horatius’ commitment to duty, honor, and perseverance in the face of adversity, Horatius Management capitalizes on the time-honored, intangible aspects of personal and professional development.